need advise on grid like control...
b.xavier at
Wed Aug 25 00:59:17 EDT 2004
Meitnik at wrote:
> -- UM, what a minute. If RR gave me all the tools to do it, yeah, I
> would rool my own. But after so many years, I have yet seen anyone
> really make a true data grid that general enough as a tool for all to
> customize. I think 100 pluse votes says much.
Well, it's been available in my DiscreteBrowser since last year!
It's as easy as
set the tabstops of fld myfieldname to FindTabStops(myfieldname)
And the stack source is still opened! Unfortunately due to a serie of
issues with GM, html-based images, unfinished features, stack corruption
I havent released an upgrade. Im in the process of retesting a newer
Here it is a self configuring self sizing tabstop finder
I created it to translate the HTML Tables in the discrete browser
to a RR grid depending on the formattedwidth of the text in these
I've commented the function for the occasion.
Look in the comments for what is configurable.
-- tool using this should check that maxfwt is ok
-- in case the field had no tab characters
-- example
put FindTabStops(myfieldname) into maxfwt
if maxfwt is not empty and item 1 of maxfwt is not 0
then set the tabStops of fld fldname to maxfwt
function FindTabStops fldname
local maxfw=0,txtsize
local fldwidthdiv2, sourcelines
local ht
local maxtabs=2, maxtabline=1
local ftxtsize
put the textheight of fld fldname into txtsize
put the width of fld fldname div 2 into fldwidthdiv2
put the number of lines in fld fldname into sourcelines
put fld fldname into ht
set the itemdelimiter to tab
-- find the largest formattedwidths for each column and line
repeat with y = 1 to sourcelines
get the number of items in line y of ht
if it > maxtabs then
put y into maxtabline
put it into maxtabs
end if
end repeat
-- you can customize the default width of your columns here.
-- note the local variable "defaultwidth" created problems with
-- RR script compiler before 2.5
local defaltwidth=100, lcount
-- optional auto configuration for defaultwidth
--put (the width of fld fldname) div maxtabs-1 into defaltwidth
put the fontsize of fld fldname into ftxtsize
if ftxtsize is empty then put 12 into ftxtsize
repeat with x = 1 to maxtabs
put defaltwidth into item x of maxfw
end repeat
-- now, for each line
repeat with y = 1 to sourcelines
--set cursor to busy -- slows things down on large scripts
put the number of items in line y of ht into lcount
if lcount < 2 then next repeat
-- for each item, find the best or custom fit
repeat with l = 1 to lcount
get the formattedwidth of item l of line y of fld fldname
if it < defaltwidth then get defaltwidth
if it > item l of maxfw then
put it into item l of maxfw
end if
end repeat
end repeat
-- if a column is suposed to be center or right adjusted
-- you can put a loop per line to pad with spaces here.
local maxfwt,maxitems,lastit
put the number of items in maxfw into maxitems
put 0 into lastit
repeat with x = 1 to maxitems
-- note the different settings you can have in this loop
-- this is the where you define if a column is fixed or not.
get item x of maxfw
if x = 1 then
put it+10 & comma after maxfwt -- here we set a fixed width if we know
the column
--put it & comma after maxfwt -- a small offset can help
else if x = maxitems then
put it + 1000 after maxfwt -- last item has a larger width so it is
not visible
get it + 12 + lastit -- normal width
put it & comma after maxfwt
end if
put it into lastit
end repeat
-- delete last char of maxfwt
return maxfwt
end FindTabStops
-- FindTabstops will always return a list of items equal to the number
of tab delimited columns as found in the field in question.
-- Some columns may not be correctly set - Im aware of this issue and
despite tweaking this function for each app, it remains a mistery why.
I suspect a formattedWidth problem - an explanation is truely welcome!
So instead of wasting votes on RR non-issues, please vote for my bugs and
if you can explain the reason why Form...Wid.. is not always correct, im
interested! ;)
The other solution and surely it's been explored in the list is to create
vertical column fields which you can directly align left right center which
is even better.
The last solution is to use the format function - but it doesn't respect
alignment either.
If you check most of my tool including WinN2O, pieControl, etc... they all
use the same 2 fields, autotabstops, and autosort columns.
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