Faceless MC -- Memory Failure

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Tue Aug 17 16:57:08 EDT 2004


I'm trying to write a filter for a Linux system using x-talk rather than
C, Perl, etc .. and I am running out of memory.  My mc interpreter is
failing with s signal 11 and giving this message:

  /usr/local/bin/mc: out of memory

The problem is I suppose due to the size of the data file I'm trying to
process in a single container - it's nearly 800 Meg.  Files almost as
large make it ok though.

I am hoping maybe a newer version would help, or, switch to the Rev
engine.  This is on SuSE Linux.  You might ask, which version of the
MC interpreter do you have?  Ah .. not sure, it appears to have been
installed April 2003 .. the size is:

1889896 Apr 18  2003 /usr/local/bin/mc

Another option might be to rewrite my filter in some more efficient
manner.  I'll probably try that approach too, I have a couple ideas.

In any case, I'd appreciate your thoughts if you have a suggestion.
Source code below.

Sadhu Nadesan
sadhu at castandcrew.com

-------------------cut here----------------------
#                            -=< Payroll II >=-
#         Copyright (c) Cast & Crew Entertainment Services, Inc. 2004
#     Program name:     adjustment_dater
#        File name:     adjustment_dater.mt
#           Author:     Sadhunathan Nadesan
#     Date started:     08/11/2004
#     Description:
#       Pre processing for MT RTS file, put PC check date into PR checks

on startup

   put $1 into inputFile
   open file inputFile for read
   read from file inputFile until eof
   put it into inputData
   close file inputFile

   // find reversed checks
   repeat for each line thisLine in inputData
     if (char 1 to 2 of thisLine contains "PC") then
       put char 4 to 11 of thisLine \ -- reversed by ck seq #
         & "|" \
         & char 13 to 22 of thisLine \ -- check effective date
         & linefeed after pcDateArray
     end if -- a reversed check
   end repeat

   split pcDateArray by linefeed and "|"

   // patch the date of the reversing check
   repeat for each line thisLine in inputData
     if (char 1 to 2 of thisLine contains "PR") then
         put char 24 to 31 of thisLine into sequenceNumber
         put pcDateArray[sequenceNumber] into char 13 to 22 of thisLine
     end if -- reversing check

   // now pass the modified data on
     put thisLine
   end repeat

end startup

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