Shell was( Rev Web Solutions?)

Hershel Fisch hershrev at
Sun Aug 15 23:24:45 EDT 2004

On Tuesday, August 3, 2004, at 04:00 AM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
>> but I'd still like to try out and see how to work with shell() for  
>> other things as you mentioned above for maintenance purposes . The  
>> question, where I can get some education on that .
> About general PostgreSQL + Metacard/Revolution posts :
> < 
> search?>
> About handling a PostgreSQL back-end from Revolution in CGI mode :
> < 
> search?>
> About handling a PostgreSQL back-end from Revolution set up as a  
> web/eai applications server :
> < 
> search?>
I looked over these links but didn't get anywhere. I need to know how  
to access the first postgres db command and I'll try to get on from  
I tryed to put just a simple command " put  shell(" cd -")" or "shell  
("ls ..") and got an error Script: missing '"' after literal or command  
not found.
Thanks , Hershel
> Best, Pierre

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