some trouble with PASV/EPSV (Re: FTPd Server Side implemented in Rev!!!)

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Fri Aug 13 15:58:59 EDT 2004

On Aug 13, 2004, at 1:34 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

> Passive ftp connections are weird. You may run into more firewall
> problems, since I know you've already encountered those in other
> situations.


yes, I am beggining to hate proxies and firewalls from the deep of my 
heart. The problem is that I must support passive connections (PASV and 
EPSV) for that's the way browsers connect to ftp daemons. Browsers are 
very talkative blokes, they don't like listening, so if you fail to 
support passive connections they'll just give up trying. since I am 
integrating everything in my server side libs, I must support 

I think my code is right. Server send a EPSV/PASV command, I shout the 
port I am now listening and start accepting connections on that port. 
The connections never arrive. When using the command-line ftp tool, it 
works flawlessly, when using browser, it fails to connect to the 
dataport, the control port works fine.... any clue?


> -- 
> -Mark Wieder
>  mwieder at
Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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