Gray background only visible on printing

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Aug 12 14:23:28 EDT 2004

On 8/11/04 3:17 PM, Bill wrote:

> I am creating my own printing stack. The built-in print commands are not
> versatile enough. But my simple gripe is that any stack should have the same
> things visible on the screen as what prints when you say: "print card"
> unless you specifically tell it to hide or change something on printing. At
> least that is my opinion. I was very surprised to find that the default
> background for all stacks which appears white is actually gray when printed.
> I think it is non-intuitive and should be fixed by RunRev unless there is
> some reason for it. If there is a reason I would like to know what it is --
> please!
> But basically setting the background of any stack you are using to white
> solves the problem but doesn't make me feel any better ; )

Sounds like a good case for a Bugzilla report. Why not enter one so that 
the team can fix it? It seems like a reasonable request to me.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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