Questions about Rev/Transcript vs. other toolkits
Dan Shafer
revdan at
Wed Aug 11 15:30:32 EDT 2004
I concur heartily with all that Alex said about RR and Python. I would
add only two more thoughts.
First, until PythonCard (an OpenSource project to which I have been an
on-and-off contributor and whose founder is a good friend) is mature,
there really isn't a good direct-manipulation graphical IDE for Python.
This makes building apps far too time-consuming if they need
sophisticated cross-platform UIs, as all apps I build require. My guess
is that PythonCard is at best a year from ready for prime time.
Second, as a programming language Python is unexcelled. If I could use
RunRev to create the UI and Python as a scripting language, I'd be in
hog heaven. As much as I love Transcript -- and I really do -- Python
runs circles around it linguistically FOR SOMEONE LIKE ME who is
steeped in object-oriented design, analysis, programming, and thought.
Please don't take that to mean I think Python is purely and always
better than Transcript. As I said, I love Transcript.
As an aside, I've been thinking for some time in sort of deep
background mode about figuring out how to make RunRev UIs into a
graphical layer that calls Python scripts so I could have the best of
both worlds. I'm not yet steeped enough in how that would work beyond
some very simple ability to execute a Python script via the shell()
function, but it remains one of those projects I hope I get to someday
but would be delighted if someone beat me to doing!
On Aug 11, 2004, at 3:36 AM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
>> 3. How does Rev compare specifically to other scripting languages,
>> especially Tcl/Tk and Python/wxPython? I'm studying Tcl/Tk out of a
>> slightly contrarian nature, as I know the GUI's that can be built with
>> Tk are more limited; wxPython, by contrast, is very rich. Can anyone
>> with experience with either of these development environments offer
>> some
>> insight about how they compare to Rev?
> I'd skip Tcl/Tk - it's very limited compared to the other two, and
> just not fun.
> Python/wxPython (and Pythoncard) has a lot of strengths compared to
> RR, and just about as many weaknesses :-)
> RR can do almost anything - but it excels in some areas while it "can
> do" others. I see RR as particularly strong in text handling, imaging,
> sound, multimedia (other on the list might disagree because they are
> experienced in other tools in that area, where I'm not).
> P/wxP is strong in text handling, simple graphics, Internet protocols.
> It has strong "traditional" data structuring features - which I think
> help to make programs in it maintainable.
> wxP has a richer set of tools (e.g. wxGrid is about 3 generations
> better than RR's table control), but RR has unequalled ability to put
> them together to get what you want.
> I have to say I'm an enthusiastic user of both, so I'm biased :-)
Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
Author of "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought" for more info
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