Metacard to rev problems

cteno4 cteno4 at
Tue Aug 10 02:14:40 EDT 2004


Just thought i would let you all know of some serious problems i have run 
into switching a stack from metacard to revolution. I hope some of the 
problems below are just from switching mid project.

The project was nearing the end and i decided to try out revolution to 
see if it would help with one little bug i was having with the backdrop 
function in windows where the topmost program manager window would get 
trapped between the stack window and the backdrop window (scott had said 
a long time ago they had seen this and couldnt quite figure out what was 
causing it.). i was able to fix this later by just doing all the stack 
window calls first then doing the stack movements and changes then 
calling the backdrop last.

Well all was going well squishing the last few bugs in the program on the 
mac, then the problems started...

Mac problems (922 g4 mc251 rev221)

Standalone creation error
I could not build a mac PPC application on the mac in revolution. Tried 
everything i could think of and it just doesnt work (including creating a 
new folder to build into). just kept giving me the error message at the 
end "there was an error while saving standalone application" and wouldnt 
create its build folder and only left a 128K text file where the app 
directory was to go. I can start a new stack and build apps or it fine.

PC problems (dell p4 win xp pro mc251 rev221)

Audio playback:
When starting to build the pc apps (couldnt build them on the mac...) on 
a pc i noticed that my audio files (wav files loaded into a player) would 
only play for about 3 seconds then go silent. i believe the player was 
still reading the file since if i paused the player (i have a play/pause 
button to do this) the file would start up about where it would be if the 
part that played and the amount of silent time i had done before pausing. 
This happens in the development environment or if i build a standalone (i 
can build standalones of this stack on the pc). The same stack on 
Metacard 251 on the pc plays the same audio files fine. I tried opening 
the stack on windows rev and deleting and recreating the player that i am 
using to play all the audio files just to make sure there wasnt something 
weird about players with the newer engine used in rev. no dice, still 
stops playing after a few seconds.

One other old bug i ran into that i had forgotten about was that if you 
ask for a callback set at the duration of a player with a file loaded you 
get it on the mac, but on the pc you need to knock a tick off or the 
callback is not sent. This is in both 25 and 26 engines. luckly just 
knocking a few ticks off the duration fixes this on both platforms.

Image problems:
I had some images that were imported into the stacks in metacard, then i 
did a small amount of erasing to a few of them (using the erase tool). 
The resulting images look fine on the mac, but have a subtle color change 
on the pc. I tried this with metacard on the mac (importing an image then 
erasing a small part) and on the pc in metacard this color shift does not 
happen. I created a new stack in rev and tried the same process of 
importing an image, erasing a bit of it then taking it over to rev on the 
pc and it does the color shift, so this is some bug in the newer 2.6 

Good News
The good news is that i moved the project back over to mc25 and have 
gotten everything working on both sides. went back and replaced the few 
graphics that were messed up by rev and I think i can just finish the 
project in metacard.

If anyone has any ideas of why these problems errupted, i would be glad 
to test out any ideas to see if there are work arounds. I have been 
extreemly happy with metacard and was enjoying my new experience with rev 
until i ran into these problems here right near the end.

Jeffrey H. Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr.
Bethesda, MD  20817


email: cteno4 at
       cteno4 at

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