Pamela crisis update

pkc pkc at
Sun Aug 1 19:06:32 EDT 2004

Hello all, thanks to those of you who've written 
to help. As I said in my last message, I have 
posted the stack file and the .exe file to my 
iDisk public folder:  pkc (no password).  Any 
comments or hints appreciated.


I followed Mark Wieder's advice and opened the 
stack file with a text editor. I don't understand 
all the white space, but other than that it all 
looks pretty normal.  I just mean that is my code 
in there, and I assume those are my images.


I also opened the .exe file.  It has all the same 
stuff in it BUT starts with this line:

"MZê         ½       @                                   ¯   † ¥ 
	Õ!½LÕ!This program cannot be run in DOS 

Does this mean me? If I am building for Windows, 
am I trying to run in DOS mode? (I have the 
impression yes, since Windows 98 seems to be 
running in the monitoring/correction substrate). 
Why wouldn't a Revolution build for WIndows run 
in DOS mode?  Can I just throw that line away 

Also, getting into the text-only mania, I opened 
the file.   Didn't see anything humanly 
readable in there.

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