update on pamela crisis
pkc at mac.com
Sun Aug 1 15:44:35 EDT 2004
Hello all, a little more to report, and responses:
In my last message, I wrote:
>My program of fixes (now under weigh) is:
>1) Rename the current file on the FTP server with a "zip" suffix.
>Have unwitting subjects download it and see what happens.Transfer
>said renamed fake zip via disk and try to open. Probably won't work,
>but would tell a lot if one or both did.
Tried this. As predicted, a failure.
>2) Actually compress the file with Stuffit, replace the old file on
>the server, proceed as above.Transfer said genuine zip via disk and
>try to open. I figure, slightly better chance of success?
Tried this. Contrary to predictions, a failure.
>3) Reinstall Revolution, re-download Win32, rebuild everything, zip,
>proceed as above.
Had hopes for this one. Just got the report: Exact same "0,0" error.
>4) Transfer the stack file to some Windows machine somewhere running
>Revolution and build the thing. Has to succeed, no? But we would
>learn nothing.
Marian was kind enough to do this. Her comments are below. This was
also a failure.
>5) Flunk the 80 percent of the students in the course who are using
>Windows, on the grounds that their work is incomplete. Attractive in
>its way.
Ambassador wrote:
>Hmmmm....Windows has no such thing as a bundle. On Win, Mac bundles
>appears as folders. But since Win executables are a single file, they
>should not look like a folder.
This is what is so mind boggling about this. When I moved the .exe
file to my PC to see what the students were talking about, there was
a bundle --a folder, a .ds store file, a GUI file, and another file I
expect is the executables. But the properties windows identifies the
latter two as applications. When I transferred this via CDR, I got
one icon, but showed an apparent GUI window, and gave the "0,0" error
when I tried to open it. Properties window says it is an application.
> Maybe you're copying
>the OS X builds?
If so, I have no idea how to avoid it. In the standalone builder,
nothing is checked but Windows and nothing comes out but an .exe
file. I am not building the OS X application simultaneously.
Troy wrote:
>Keep in mind, this is NOT an insurmountable issue. Lots of us make
>Windows builds from our Macs every day, with no special tricks or
>unspoken know-how. We'll figure it out.
I understand. I've been doing this exact same thing --building on
mac, distributing to windows-- with Revolution for nearly five years
now. Never had a problem like this. Have been quite an advocate for
getting Revolution more involved in our teaching. Now the whole
school knows the course has ground to a halt for Windows-using
students. I have never ever had these problems and have been able to
solve all Revolution problems up to now. This one appears
inexplicable, let alone solvable.
Marian wrote:
>Downloaded Pam's stack (and the ZIP file version of Rev 2.5 b1) on my
>Mac. Transferred Pam's file over to PC over my wireless network but the
>file will not open in Rev 2.5b1 on my PC--says file is corrupted.
>Tried changing the name to something more DOS-friendly (PamStack.rev).
>No luck.
>Changed name to PamStack.rev on Mac, zipped it using drop zip, still
>says file is corrupted when I try to open it using the PC version of
>Same problem if I try to open the file using Rev 2.1.2 on PC.
>Opens fine in 2.5b1 on the Mac. Doesn't open in either 2.12 or
>2.5b1 on PC, whether it was sent there directly or having been zipped
Troy wrote:
>No newsflash, but something not right there.
>Rev says the file is "corrupted"? What if "lock messages" is turned on
>before opening? Any weird Mac specific things going on in openStack or
>pre-open card handlers?
>Maybe, each substack could be saved as an individual file, transferred
>and opened... to determine the real culprit.
>Maybe somebody like Richard, Chipp, or Ken could have some better ideas.
I would probably not recognize "weird Mac specific things" happening
in my scripts. So far as I know, there is nothing weird in the
scripts at all.
Marian wrote:
>I took the .rev file I initially downloaded from Pam's iDisk using my
>Mac and opened it in Rev 2.1.2 Mac version. No prob. Created a Mac
>and a Windows standalone using Rev 2.1.2. Mac standalone works fine.
>Sent Windows standalone over to PC directly over my wireless network.
>Attempt to run it gives 0,0 error message reported by Pam.
>Zipped Windows standalone and sent it to PC also over my wireless
>network. Unzipped on PC. Attempt to run it gives same 0,0 error:
>"<filename>, error was 0,0"
>Pam, what about Troy's suggestions?
You mean about weird scripting? Absolutely nothing comes to mind.
But why take my word for it?
You can all join in the mystery stack sweepstakes.
I have reinstalled Rev 2.2.1 on my G5. The program will now properly
download the Win32 engine (good news), and it has done that. I made a
fresh directory and built the Windows standalone into it. I put it
online for my students to FTP. They did. It is a bust. Error 0,0.
I saved both the stack file and the Windows build directly into my
iDisk (maybe there is some spooky formatting on hard disk that is
messing up the file?): pkc. No password. Take a look for yourself.
It sounds like the solver of this scientific mystery should get a
Nobel prize.
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