use-revolution Digest, Vol 11, Issue 1

ambassador at ambassador at
Sun Aug 1 12:44:37 EDT 2004

On Sun, 1 Aug 2004 12:39:58 -0400 pkc wrote:
> >I honestly think your executable is just getting "munged" in the
> >transfer. Create the executable into a new folder, stuff (zip,
> >whatever) the entire folder immediately. Move that to the PC and
> >extract. Hopefully, everything will work properly after that. The rest
> >of the items you mentioned (ask and answer dialogs, fonts, etc.) could
> >cause flakey behaviors and visual anomalies - but shouldn't prevent the
> >app from running.
> That's the most logical, and I would be satisfied with that answer if 
> we hadn't tried every way I know of, and hundreds of repeats, of 
> transferring the files from my G5 or G4 desktops (where they look 
> like regular old .exe files) to a Windows desktop, where they look 
> like bundles. 

Hmmmm....Windows has no such thing as a bundle.  On Win, Mac bundles
appears as folders.   But since Win executables are a single file, they
should not look like a folder.

What exactly does your Win build look like there?  Maybe you're copying
the OS X builds?

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