not every text file a text file?

Friedrich F. Grohmann shedrup at
Tue Apr 20 11:40:03 EDT 2004

My approach was "open file" and then "read from file" or "put URL". It 
worked for a number of wordprocessors but failed in the case of Nisus 
Writer Express. Revolution would insist on creating a file with the name 
of the Nisus file already sitting in the same folder...

Sarah kindly pointed me into a different direction by asking:

>Is the problem selecting the file to read or actually reading it after 
>you have the file name?

and Dave gave  some additional input. I followed their suggestion with 
"answer file" and, lo and behold, I can access NWE files. Thanks for 
broadening my horizon!

Unfortunately, in practical terms, "answer file" would not work for my 
specific needs at the moment. I hope to be able to display text which can 
be directly read from a file without interrupting the process of going 
from card to card. The text is in Devanagari, and among my word 
processors only NWE handles this script. AbiWord, AppleWorks and MS Word, 
the text files of which I can access easily, are completely hopeless. 
Maybe I should try Mellel. Anyway, your help was greatly appreciated.


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