ask file with filter

Ken Ray kray at
Mon Apr 19 13:36:26 EDT 2004


> I'm really not having a problem with handling Windows 8.3 
> filenames.  I just figured that if Rev gave the user the 
> ability to put a filter into the ask file command, that you 
> would be able to find out what filter the user ended up 
> choosing.  This way I don't have to make seperate menu items 
> for saving with different file types.
> Hopefully in a future version I guess.

To make sure this is on their radar, you should enter a "bug" in Bugzilla
with a severity of "enhancement" so they know it's something that you'd like
to see added to Rev. If it's not added to Bugzilla, it's likely it's not
going to get done.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site:

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