Some Basic Misunderstandings/Problems with RunRev - aka Help!

MisterX b.xavier at
Wed Apr 14 15:36:23 EDT 2004

> On Wednesday, April 14, 2004, at 06:52  PM,
> use-revolution-request at wrote:
> > From: David Burgun <dburgun at>
> > Subject: Re: Some Basic Misunderstandings/Problems with

> rather than saving the data in the stack.


Forget C... Here's a bit of RR design phylosophy...

You can use an external stack to save data without file fuss. Onced cached,
it's lightning access for any script. The storage is as simple as a field
for an option or a background field for a database record field... Check out
background behavior...

  put thebet into field "bet" of card thisgame of background "roulette" of
stack "gamestats"

No messing with parsing or delimiters or what have you...I've run a 7 sub
level relational db with 700000 records once with 1 second access on an old
mac via cd rom... Reporting wasn'ta key feature mind you.

If you keep the project's files to a single folder next to the app or
referenced to a subfolder stack it should be fine. Dont mess with substacks
too much except for fixed pop-up windows (eg about, help, ask, answer,

On RR, you make the one card control stack with message substacks and
external stacks to keep the data. A file is fine but why bother with the
complexities of file format changes when you have a ready format that's too
easy to script?

A stack is a database or a control station or a simple about window or even
just a menu. It's up to you to shape it and make it "function"! Call it with
open mystack or palette mystack or modal mystack to change window's
appearance and that's it... Just the application is fixed and can't be saved
to. The rest is up to your imagination.

Using RR's file structure is a definite advantage to simplicity and easy
maintenance later on... It just gets complicated when you need speed... Then
c kicks in... or dynamic scripting...

;) Enjoy the revolution!


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