Some Basic Misunderstandings/Problems with RunRev - a suggestion

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Apr 14 15:21:18 EDT 2004

Marian Petrides wrote:

> I have no idea whether this would work or not (having never tried to 
> save anything from a standalone) but could you:
> 1) From within the standalone save the data you want to a text file when 
> the user presses OK and before closing the standalone app.
> 2) Next time the standalone gets run, as part of the openStack handler 
> read the data from this text file into a series of global variables
> 3) Use these globals to set the values of the controls
> Would this do what you want?
> To the other listees: would this work?

I can't imagine why it wouldn't, but rather than working with a bunch of 
separate globals by name you could use one array.  The extra benefit of 
using an array is that you can store its contents in one line:

   set the customProperties of stack tMyDataStack to tMyArray

For more on using arrays for data storage see:

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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