Multimedia Project on a school server question

Mark MacKenzie m.mackenzie at
Mon Apr 12 15:58:19 EDT 2004

Hi.  I am porting a multimedia project over to Revolution and tweaking 
it as I go. 

The intended market is the local and provincial educational systems.  
Their preference is for titles which can be served from a remote server 
in their school to all the desktops in the library or classroom.  The 
working seats for this project are approximately 35 per class.

I have not designed or produced for this before.  Can a standard Rev 
project be simply put on their server and used by from 30 to 35 kids at 
the same time?

If not, what needs to be done to make this possible?

If yes, can the number of concurrent sessions be limited to say 35?

Has anyone done this before and care to share their experiences?


Mark MacKenzie

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