Hello from a Filemaker renegade

Norman Winn norman at mrsystems.co.uk
Tue Apr 6 04:11:36 EDT 2004


I've just joined your list. I was one of those people hoping for great 
things from Filemaker 7. We got them - but it got slower. My main work 
is on a solution that represents data graphically. Already too slow so 
I am looking for alternatives.

Tried Servoy a bit. Looks promising but still stuck with runtime 
Good points: mimics FM, sets up an SQL db and the connection, a 
database person starts higher up the learning curve. I like the look of 
Javascript. Got a full response from support team on my problems.
Bad points: Java problems under OS X. Still stuck with runtime 
payments. Didn't get drawn into coding.

Downloaded RR and worked through the tutorial.
Good points: Interface worked well. Free version lets me play as long 
as I like.
Not so good (for me): I like concise languages. If they are verbose 
then they should need no, or little, commenting. The examples have so  
many comments I can't follow the logic. I have already experienced 
Applescript and find that its 'Englishness' soon descends into the 
arcane and opaque.

Downloaded RealBasic, worked through the tutorial.
Good points: Interface prettier. Found myself drawn into coding and 
experimenting almost immediately (used to love Delphi and would be 
there now if it ran on OS X). Lot's of database functions.
Not so good: Still Carbon. Can't find aid for setting up SQL 
connections. Only get 10 days to play before committing.

So, why am I here? First, a hunch. It seems like RR has something going 
for it. Second, I browsed the archives of this list and liked what I 

If you could take the time to consider my questions it might have more 
influence than on just me. A lot of FM developers are hovering.

Here are some questions:

1. The RR v RB comparison article is way out of date but suggests RB 
may be the best choice for heavy db work. Is this so?

2. I don't see much written on building front-ends to SQL in RR. Are 
they out there? Are there any tutorials on this? Is there a connection 

3. Are there functions, plug-ins, tool-sets to handle complex 
relationships, entity diagrams, data validation?

4. Icing on the cake? Has anyone already handled converting and 
documented it?

Thank you for attention and for a lively, open forum,

Norman Winn

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