2.2 Geometry
wouter.abraham at pi.be
Mon Apr 5 15:38:07 EDT 2004
On 05 Apr 2004, at 21:08, use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com wrote:
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 20:04:18 +0200
> From: "MisterX" <b.xavier at internet.lu>
> Subject: 2.2 Geometry
> To: "How to use Revolution" <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
> Message-ID: <ENEALNOCJBOOOHHCCEKNMEHIFPAA.b.xavier at internet.lu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> Before I have to take RR apart,
> does anyone know if there's an
> easy way to turn off the Geometry
> manager globally?
> x)
Did you try to remove the the RevGeometryBack backscript from within
the messagebox? (The button with this backscript can be found in the
revLibrarystack.) If removing gives positive results then it narrows
down the problem.
(On the other hand, I ran in similar problems long ago in HC - time.
And made a little handler which recorded the settings of all controls
once they had their final size and location into a button which could
restore every control if needed. It was also useful in trying out
different layouts. I transposed this to mc/rev. If you are
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