[ANN] MLXEditor - runrev plugin for script editing with ANY external editor app

Alex Rice alex at mindlube.com
Fri Sep 12 12:54:01 EDT 2003

On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 07:12  AM, Ken Ray wrote:

> Alex,
> It looks good, but when you say "enter a Transcript command that opens 
> a
> temporary file", what do you mean? I tried:
>   launch "c:\program files\textpad 4\textpad.exe"
> And it launched TextPad, but not with the script. Can you give an
> example?

Ke, I should clarify that on the setup screen. Use the "transcript 
recipes" popup button for some examples. Here is the one Trevor just 
posted. The only tricky part is that a format() is run on the 
transcript command so %s is replaced with the full path to the 
temporary file. That %s is how you get it to open a file instead of 
open with an empty document.

	put "%s" into tTmpFile
	put "open -a " & quote & "/Applications/Document Editors/BBEdit 
7.0/BBEdit.app" & quote && quote & 	tTmpFile & quote into tCmd
	get shell(tCmd)

Alex Rice <alex at mindlube.com> | Mindlube Software | http://mindlube.com

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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