Where is QuickTime Capture? Help

Ken Norris pixelbird at interisland.net
Fri Sep 12 10:46:00 EDT 2003


I tried a QT sound call and the QT Updater tells me I need a file it names
QuickTime Capture.

The download fails every time with a "Can't find file".

I've tried a dozen times. I've searched the Apple site for hours.

Although the Updater says I need it and offers to dowload, and the list
onboard says it's missing...

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "QuickTime Capture", or "QT Capture", or QuickTime
Video Capture", or "QT Video Capture" (I forget all the other names I

The file simply doesn't exist, anywhere I have looked.

What the heck is going on?

Any tiny clues will be much appreciated. I'm going to post this on every
list I'm on.

Ken N.

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