The Directory Walker revisited

David Vaughan dvk at
Tue Sep 2 16:40:01 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, Sep 2, 2003, at 22:19 Australia/Brisbane, wouter 
<wouter.abraham at> wrote:


>> Now directories nested 1000 deep seems unusual.
> That is true but the amount of recursion is not  equal to the depth of 
> the directories.

That rather depends on whether you are using pre-, end- or post-order 
processing within the recursion. Walking the entire breadth and depth 
of the directory tree before processing any data would be a bit unusual.

> It is equal to the total amount of directories. And this number can 
> easily surpass 1000.
I did not see the actual walker which started this thread but I and 
others have posted recursive walkers "years" ago which used a 
depth-first search with pre- or end-order processing, and have not hit 
these limits. As Dar suggests, I doubt they would have any problem 
processing an entire OS X volume.

> Have a good morning
> WA

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