command-line/CGI Revolution engine questions

Alex Rice alex at
Mon Sep 1 23:49:00 EDT 2003

On Monday, September 1, 2003, at 01:13  PM, Steve Gehlbach wrote:

> I've never tried it on linux.  Check "echo $DISPLAY" and see if the 
> display is set.
> It can usually be solved by:
> # export DISPLAY=":0.0"
> The shell may not like this, so you can also use:
> # DISPLAY=":0.0"; export DISPLAY
> The full form is DISPLAY="<systemname>:0.0" but it will default to the 
> local system if the system name is left out.
> Nothing will work after the error about not being able to open the 
> display.
> (This is the way it is done on Linux, I assume OS X is running 
> X-Windows but maybe not!).

Steve, thanks - I know about the DISPLAY variable and it's function on 
X11. OS X does not include X11,  it uses it's own display and graphics 
system. X Windows is available as a separate download however 99% of OS 
X users probably don't even know it exists and have no need for it.

I'm kind of dismayed by the state of the Rev OS X command-line engine.  
It shouldn't require X Windows, or libdl. It should just work. If there 
needs to be a separate Darwin version of the engine, as well as a OS X 
version- then so be it.

external startup
mc: Can't open display :0.0
mc: Can't load stack or script ./fu.rev

Apparently this way of starting a stack is only valid on Linux or other 
Unix systems running X11.

Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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