OSX Distribution issues

Thomas J McGrath III 3mcgrath at adelphia.net
Tue Oct 28 12:43:21 EST 2003

The service call I recommended was to Revolution not Apple. As an 
Enterprise customer I have service call requests with my purchase for a 
year. I thought your problem would be a good one to use yours on if you 
have them.

That's all

On Tuesday, October 28, 2003, at 05:29 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:

> Everything else on my OSX system seems rock solid, including the 
> Internet connection, so I can't see that a service call (from an 
> entirely mythical service engineer) would do anything...
> I think anyone can see that there are rough edges in the DB - like the 
> way it doesn't open in browse mode in OS9, or the way path displays 
> fall off the bottom of the window, or the way it doesn't remember 
> where your config file is on your system but reverts to RR's own home 
> directory, or the way the flashing cursor is absent when you fill in 
> the fields on the first page... it needs a tidy up, that's all. I am 
> not advocating this above the fixing of more show-stopping bugs, but I 
> would like it to look more professional and to be more crash-proof.
> Graham
> -- 

Thomas J McGrath III
Advanced Media Group

220 Drake Rd.
Bethel Park, PA 15102
3mcgrath at adelphia.net

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