Quicktime movie

Alan S.Golub ASGolub at optonline.net
Tue Oct 21 15:51:17 EDT 2003


Below is an excerpt from a recent revJournal article, reporting on a 
rev/QT tutorial that appeared in the Sept 2003 issue of MacTech 
magazine. If you can get your hands on a copy, it was an excellent 
article that might get you started.

Yesterday I received the September 2003 issue of MacTech magazine, and 
was blown away to find a Revolution double-whammy on the front and back 
covers. The front page boldly features Revolution screenshots and 
announces the cover story article: "Cross-Platform Rapid Application 
Development with Revolution" by Tim Monroe. Mr. Monroe is a member of 
the QuickTime engineering team at Apple, and his lengthy cover story is 
actually part one of a two-part, extensive tutorial in which he 
demonstrates how to build a QuickTime movie player and editor in 

Best of luck,
Alan S. Golub
Publisher, revJournal

On Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 03:20 PM, talbrech at student.umass.edu 

> Hi all.
> I am quite new to Rev, and am looking for some help on playing a 
> Quicktime
> movie in Rev. How do I create the Quicktime file in the first place, 
> and then
> how do I get Rev to play it? Is there a good resource for getting 
> 'how-to'
> information like this?
> Thanks for the help.
> Tamee Albrecht
> Dept of Geosciences
> University of Massachusetts, Amherst
> talbrech at student.umass.edu
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