'bout Revolution and FireBird]

Júlio César Ködel kodel at terra.com.br
Fri Oct 3 08:49:01 EDT 2003

> ODBC can be used with remote databases. When creating the DSN you
> specify the hostname or IP address of the server.
That's the point... I didn't found this option... It only permits create DSN
for local databases =(
In VB, we use connection string, not DSN... I know it's not a Revolution
issue, but could you give-me more information about remote databases and
DSNs? (I will not program for Macs, only for IBM, in both Microsoft and *nix

> Are you confusing the database server with the database client
> libraries? No matter what database you choose, if it's running on a
> remote server, then the client user should not need to download and
> install the database- all they need is the client libraries, whether
> they be ODBC drivers, or revDB drivers.
Indeed, there is a ODBC driver for FireBird, and works fine, but, as I said,
VB works with connection string (which gives me possibilities to declare
provider (FireBird ODBC), host, database (in host), username and password.
In ODBC with DSN, I can't declare host, thus, only local databases can be
used =(

Thanx for all the help ;-)

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