Border screen "artifacts" on dynamically moving button on Windows

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami katir at
Mon Nov 24 17:07:13 EST 2003

Ok, more Windows aggravatiom for a presentation I have made  which, if 
you don't mind a long download, (11 meg, 155 pieces of art embedded)  a 
little dose of Saivite Hinduism and some beautiful graphics, you can 
view the beta version of at:

the main presentation card that does the "slide show" uses a 
transparent button whose icon is dynamically set to different images 
that live as resources on card two (which the user never sees). I put 
in a handler to allow the user to reduce or enlarge the artwork, and 
move the button on the screen accordingly.

This is implemented by simply trapping,
in the stack script,  for a mouseup on the button "artwork"

on mouseup
   if the target contains "artwork" then viewFullArt
end mouseup

## This handles does the job of pulling an id for the art and resizing 
it up or down:

on viewFullArt
   put (3000+gNowShowing) into tPicture
   if the width of image id tPicture = 540 then ## we need to reduce the 
     hide fld "sideViewText"
     lock screen
     set the rect of image id tPicture to 0,0,290,290
     set the loc of btn "artwork" to 369,171
     show fld "slokaTitle"
     show fld "SlokaText"
     unlock screen with visual effect dissolve fast
## our user on windows is now seeing a border around the button
   else ## it's already reduced and we need to enlarge it
     hide fld "slokaTitle"
     hide fld "slokaText"
     put fld "slokaTitle" & cr & cr & fld "slokaText" into fld 
     show fld "sideViewText"
     set the loc of btn "artwork" to 279,279
     lock screen
     set the width of  image id tPicture to 540
     set the height of image id tPicture to 540
     set the textstyle of line 3 of fld "sideViewText" to bold
     set the textsize of line 3 of fld "SideViewText" to 18
   end if
## our user now says the border of the button in it's previous location 
persists at that location
end viewFullArt

Very simple and works beautifully on a Mac and also on many Windows 
machines. But one windows tester reports:

> Left click on image enlarges pic to page left but outlines pic with 
> single
> lined box,  with text moving to page right.  A second left click and 
> pic
> shrinks to page center top, text moves to bottom (all as expected from 
> original
> format) but box persists.  The single line box is now centered and 
> moved
> towards top, but size is so large that it cuts through titles and 
> sloka text.
> The text is dominate in title areas, but in sloka area text coexists 
> with box
> outline.  In the sloka area the with box outline and the text both 
> appear as if
> someone on an old typewriter overstruck the text with a hyphen.

I don't know precisely what is going on  as I cannot replicate the 
problem... but it appears that, though the button is transparent and 
the showborder is false, showfocusborder is also false, that we are 
getting some border artifact "bleed through-hangover" in the dos 
machine's video card nevertheless. The difference in the fields 
appearance is because I have set some of them to opaque and others to 
opaque=false (transparent fields) which I can fix, (all should be 
opaque) but the issue is I can figure out is the appearance and 
persistence of a border for the button when their should be none.

Can anyone help? Is this a known issue? Any work arounds? Can any one 
replicate this? (download and try on your windows machine.) I don't 
know what else to turn off for the button... I see I have it set to 3D 
(a default) maybe that is it... or some more locking and unlocking 
needs to be done to force the video card to refresh? Does the 3D 
property affect the appearance of a border even if the showborder is 


Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
katir at,

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