Save in Standalone
Alex Rice
alex at
Mon Nov 17 12:15:21 EST 2003
On Nov 16, 2003, at 11:54 AM, Roger Guay wrote:
> If I use a substack as a data file, doesn't that require that the
> user have Revolution installed? Otherwise they are necessarily
> standalones and therefor can't save data. Isn't that right?
Nope. "standalone" just means that your mainstack is a standalone
binary executable. I guess that's the simplest way to explain it.
Suppose your app wanted to save some data to disk in a Rev stack. You
would just do (something like)
new invisible stack "mydata"
set the filename of stack "mydata" to "somewhere/data.rev"
set the uMyData of stack "mydata" to tBigData
save stack "mydata"
close stack "mydata"
Now you have saved data to disk. To read it back in at some point in
the future you would do
go invisible stack "somewhere/data.rev"
get the uMyData of stack "mydata"
So your app can create, read and write Revolution stacks, and the end
user does NOT need Revolution. When you build a standalone, the
Revolution engine is embedded within.
Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software |
what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable -Ani DiFranco
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