Help Please

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sun Nov 16 16:41:58 EST 2003

Steve Laming wrote:

> The ID of the graphic is 1902.  The name I have given it is 605
> If I use the ID as you suggested, it does what you said it would.  But I
> really need to change the background by name, or alternatively find the ID
> of the object from the name.
> I am not sure of the syntax for addressing the object by name.

To address an object by name, if you put the name in quotes you'll get
better performance.

If the name is a number, putting it in quotes is necessary to aoid the
interpreter treating it as an ordinal reference.

Alternatively, it's considered good practice to put an alphabetic chacacter
in front of a numeric name, e.g., "b605".

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Ambassador at
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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