Problems with copy text

Bill Vlahos bvlahos at
Wed Nov 12 15:54:19 EST 2003

Thanks Klaus. That did it.

I modified the script to be able to do multiple lines.

     put empty into tCopy -- initialize tCopy
     repeat for each item tItem in (the hilitedLines of fld "Directory")
       put line tItem of field "Directory" & return after tCopy
     end repeat
     set clipboarddata["text"] to tCopy

Bill Vlahos

On Nov 12, 2003, at 11:59 AM, Klaus Major wrote:

> Hi Bill,
>> I have a list field which I populate with data and search. When a 
>> search entry is found in the field
>> I set the hilitedline of it so that the user sees a line found in 
>> addition to the outlined word.
>> This looks fine but when I try to copy it nothing gets to the 
>> clipboard. If I click on the line
>> and select copy then the correct information goes to the clipboard.
> Really?
> Here nothing gets copied when i select a line in a listfield and do 
> "copy"...
> Anyway, you can do the "copy thingie" manually by adding these lines 
> where necessary:
> set clipboarddata["text"] to line (the hilitedlines of fld 
> "Directory") of fld "Directory"
> You get the picture...
>> Here is the find script which is the script of a field:
>> local lineNumberFound
>> on keyDown
>>     find empty -- gets rid of the find box around text and resets 
>> find to the beginning
>>     pass keyDown
>> end keyDown
>> on keyUp
>>   find field "Search Text" in field "Directory"
>>   put the foundLine into lineNumberFound
>>   set the hilitedLine of field "Directory" to word 2 of 
>> lineNumberFound
> ## here,
>> end keyUp
>> on returnInField
>>   send mouseUp to button "Find Next"
>>   put the foundLine into lineNumberFound
>>   set the hilitedLine of field "Directory" to word 2 of 
>> lineNumberFound
> ##here...
>> end returnInField
>> on arrowKey theKey
>>   if theKey is "up" then put word 2 of lineNumberFound - 1 into 
>> lineNumberFound
>>   if theKey is "down" then put word 2 of lineNumberFound + 1 into 
>> lineNumberFound
>>   set the hilitedLine of field "Directory" to lineNumberFound -- 
>> actually hilite line
> ## and/or here...
> ## Works for me...
>>   --  put the "Line " & hilitedLine of field "Directory" into 
>> lineNumberFound -- "Line " is a dummy to get the number as 2nd word
>> end arrowKey
>> Is there something else I need to set in the search to "really" 
>> select the line?
> No, should work this way...
>> Mac OS 10.3.1 Rev 2.1.2
> Dito :-)
> Hope this helps and hope i understood you right ;-)
>> Bill Vlahos
> Regards
> Klaus Major
> klaus at
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