PDFCamp printer & Revolution app

Alex Rice alex at mindlube.com
Tue Nov 11 15:10:33 EST 2003

I have noticed that the PDFCamp printer driver 
<http://www.verypdf.com/pdfcamp/pdfcamp.htm>  which we recommended to a 
client, is breaking my Revolution standalone on windows.

It writes the PDF file OK, but then my otherwise well behaved app 
starts generating errors. The errors come from my revclips external.

Worst case scenario: PDFCamp is trampling memory of my external, or 
vice-versa. I doubt that. Maybe PDFCamp is changing the defaultFolder 

What could a printer driver change in the Revoludtion engine's 

Can someone please try PDFCamp with your Windows Revolution standalone 
and tell me if you have any problems after printing to that printer?


Alex Rice <alex at mindlube.com> | Mindlube Software | 

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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