Image advice please

Ken Ray kray at
Mon Nov 10 19:11:57 EST 2003


It would really help if you could post (or send to one of us) a
screenshot of what you are talking about. It's kind of hard to
visualize, even though I think you've done an admirable job describing
the problem. That may be why no one has responded. :-)


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site: 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-bounces at 
> [mailto:use-revolution-bounces at] On Behalf Of 
> Ken Norris
> Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 2:59 PM
> To: use-revolution at
> Subject: Image advice please
> Howdy,
> I didn't get any response so I'll try another shot. Maybe 
> someone could take a look at the stack and see what I'm 
> trying to make happen.
> ================
> (original post)
> ================
> Oh dear, here I go again...
> OK, here's the setup:
> I have a graphic image, a simulated plastic color bar with 
> the color gradient I want, which I can see right through to 
> the text under it (srcOr).
> Now, the metaphor needs a graphically depicted "mounting 
> device", in this case it simulates a metal mounting bracket 
> to which the plastic bar above is attached, and slides up and 
> down on a brass rod. It must, of course, be opaque.
> The problem comes when the opaque "bracket" seems to include 
> an opaque white space as part of its rectangle between it's 
> top and bottom arms, right where the "plastic bar" is 
> supposed to go. That is, that part of the plastic bar can no 
> longer see through.
> In SuperCard, I was able to group the two graphics together, 
> and the metal part opened itself to the see-through part 
> perfectly when mated into a group. However, SC graphic images 
> are held a lot different than Rev, so I can't bring it into Rev as is.
> So, now that all that is perfectly clear %)  here is the question:
> How do I marry the opaque bracket to the see-through bar in 
> such a way that the metal part of the bracket image is 
> opaque, but 'nothing', i.e., no opaque white section, is in 
> the part where the see-through bar fits (I tried all the 
> inks, but nothing works properly)?
> Maybe I'm not using the right type of image. I dunno.
> TIA,
> Ken N.
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