Window Resizing Head-scratcher...
Thomas J McGrath III
3mcgrath at
Mon Nov 10 08:00:13 EST 2003
At first, I thought I was reading my own email. LOL
Jason, this is the same problem I have.
The solution is to make every thing smaller than 800x600 to begin with
and allow for the menus and docks, etc. first.....
BUT, that still does not explain why!!!!!! I even set the resize window
to false and it still resized! I set the resize stack to false and it
still resized.
My problem/bug was that NO RESIZE should mean NO RESIZE !!!!!! Of
course I can make my graphics smaller to fit an 800x600. Of course I
can build on an 800x600 and make sure it is right. Of course I can
allow for a menu, dock bar etc.
But when I set the resize to false, I want no resize. I develop on a
1024x768 and set window to 800x600 and after changing screen resolution
It of course should not and that is the real problem.
On Sunday, November 10, 2002, at 01:24 AM, Jason Rippetoe wrote:
> Hello all;
> I have a stack that I want to run on screens at 800x600 or higher
> resolution. I have set the "Size and Position" settings in the
> inspector for 800x600, and the "resizable?" box is not selected. The
> stack is set to hide menubar/hide taskbar at stack startup and use a
> backdrop.
> When being developed, it appears as an 800x600 window on my 1024x768
> display. However, when I built a stand-alone to test and set the
> monitor to 800x600, the window was smaller, blocking off chunks of the
> graphics. In the Rev development environment, it behaves the same- if
> I start the stack while the monitor is set to 800x600, the window is
> smaller, with the inspector telling me it is now 726x458.
> I've tested it and determined that this behavior is present whether I
> use the hide menubar/hide taskbar or not or whether or not a backdrop
> is used.
> Any ideas on why my windows are resizing?
> Thanks in advance!
> -Jason
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Thomas J McGrath III
Advanced Media Group
220 Drake Rd.
Bethel Park, PA 15102
3mcgrath at
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