Building and cursor Problem

Scott Rossi scott at
Sun Nov 9 19:23:04 EST 2003

On 11/9/03 3:56 PM, "Pierre Bernaert" <pierre.bernaert at> wrote:

> The problem is the reverse, I want as I could expect to have the IBeam
> cursor when going over the field I can type into. I think this is a
> normal behavior for fields that can be modified.

Yes, that's the way you would expect it to work.

> In other words why, after building when entering the cursor into the
> card (Outside the field) have I the busy cursor although no script
> should be running ?
> And why although a MouseEntrer's script in the field setting the
> lockCusor to true and a set cursor to IBeam I don't get the IBeam
> Cursor and stay with a non spinning busy cursor ?

It sounds like some script in your stack is causing this -- perhaps you have
some mouse-related scripts operating somewhere.  Also, are you sure you're
setting lockCursor to true?  In your previous mail, you stated you were
setting the "lockscreen" which which will have no effect on the cursor.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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