Diff algorithm

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at skynet.be
Wed Nov 5 01:57:38 EST 2003

Le mardi, 4 nov 2003, à 17:56 Europe/Brussels, Bill Vlahos a écrit :

If I understand well what you want, here is a very fast script to 
compare two flds and return the lines in fld "one" that are not in fld 

function DiffLines pList1, pList2
    repeat for each line tLine in pList1
      put 1 into tArray[tLine]
    end repeat
    repeat for each line tLine in pList2
      if tArray[tLine] < 1 then
        put 2 into tArray[tLine]
        put tLine & cr after tRetVal
      end if
    end repeat
    delete char -1 of tRetVal
    return tRetVal
end DiffLines

hope that's what you want.

yvescoppe at skynet.be

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