Pointer tool not working

Sarah sarahr at genesearch.com.au
Tue Nov 4 04:17:48 EST 2003

On Tuesday, November 4, 2003, at 09:12  am, JonathanC at ag.nsw.gov.au 

> Three other things I don't understand are:
> 1. Why, when I close "Launcher.rev" and then open it again, does it 
> change
> from Modeless to TopLevel by itself?
> 2. Why does "Launcher.rev" open automatically when I launch 
> "Revolution"?
> (I may have set this behaviour myself - after all it mimics HyperCard's
> Home, which is what I want - but I have no idea how, if I did.)
> 3. Revolution's documentation says there's a Home stack, but where is 
> it?
Hi Jonathan,

Check out the entry for "style" in the Transcript Dictionary - at the 
bottom it defines the various styles that can be set for stacks.

I think the answer to question 2 is relevant to question 1, so starting 
in the middle :-)
2. You have placed your Launcher in the plugins folder where it's 
behaviour is governed by the Plugin settings. Go to the Development 
menu -> Plugins. At the bottom you will see Plugin Settings. Choose 
your Launcher stack from the popup menu at the top and check it's 
current settings. I would guess that it is set to "Open when Revolution 
starts up" and "Open as modeless dialog".

Now back to question 1: The answer to Q2 probably explains why Launcher 
starts modeless, but if you close it and then restart normally (not 
from the plugin menu), it will revert to it's natural setting. Unless 
you have specifically changed it's style to modeless, it's default 
style will be topLevel so it will be completely editable. If you 
re-open it from the Plugins menu, I think it will open modeless again, 
but I'm not sure about that.

3. Rev does have a Home stack, but it isn't like HyperCard's Home. You 
aren't supposed to use it as a Launcher and it is mostly invisible. It 
contains a lot of substacks like ask, answer, message watcher, error 
display etc. If you turn on "Revolution UI Elements in List" in the 
View menu, then open the Application Browser, you will see the Home 
stack listed, but it is password-protected so unlike a lot of the 
interface stacks, you can't poke around in the Home stack.

sarahr at genesearch.com.au

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