Depth first search in RR/MC/HC?

Alex Rice alex at
Mon Nov 3 00:57:12 EST 2003

On Nov 2, 2003, at 2:06 PM, Eric Engle wrote:

> Does anyone have a script handy which would implement either a depth 
> first or
> breadth search on a data tree?

In the xml-treeview.rev demo stack in the Samples folder of Revolution 
there is a function that is called recursively: function DoAddControls 
pLongOwnerID, pPath
in the script of the button "Create XML from stack". I guess it's depth 

In fact revXML might be useful if you need to search for a particular 
node in a tree of data. It has a number of functions for getting an XML 
node based on different search parameters. Pretty cools stuff.

Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software | 

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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