Updating status while running in background

Stéphane Savard ssavard at mac.com
Sat May 31 21:55:04 EDT 2003


I am trying Revolution at this time and I have the following problem, I 
can not have a visial status updated while my application is not 
running in foreground.

Here is the conditions:

- I am accessing a SOAP web service
- I am using Mac OS X
- I am experimenting with a standalone built from my stack
- I have programmed a loop with a time delay OR an idle task, bith give 
the same result
- My status element (field and buttons) are updated correctly with the 
changing values from the web service, when my application and stack are 
running in foreground
- My status element (field and buttons) are NOT updated when my window 
or application is visible but not in foreground.

Is there a limitation that an Window must be selected and in foreground 
to be updated?

Does a loop stop working when the stack is not in foreground?


Stephane Savard

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