text appearence of RR 2.0 scripts

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at skynet.be
Thu May 29 16:06:01 EDT 2003

Hi Tuviah

The workaround is:

on mousedown
         set the dragdata["text"] to base64encode(the text of me)
--base64encode binary data as text
end mousedown

target image:

on dragenter
         if "text" is among the items of the keys(the dragdata) then
                 set the acceptdrops to true
         end if
end dragenter

on dragdrop
          if "text" is among the items of the keys(the dragdata) then
                 put base64decode(the dragdata["image"]) into me
         end if
         pass dragdrop
end dragdrop

I work on Mac OS X 2.6 and Rev 2.0

I get a compile error in the dragenter script :

if "text" is among the items of the keys(the dragdata) then

and  "the keys(the dragdata)" is highlighted...

what happens ????


Email : yvescoppe at skynet.be
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