2.0 Annoyance: Window resize

curry curry at pair.com
Wed May 14 03:56:01 EDT 2003

I often make windows about 740 x 530. (That fits on my screen set to 
800 x 600, because I have the tool palette on the far left and only 
text, not icons, in the menu toolbar.)

The new betas and RC's, including 2.0r1, resize those windows to be 
smaller--712 x 500.


New stack.
Drag it to center (so it won't be unmanageable after resizing).
Use stack properties to resize to 740 by 530.
Quit and restart (or probably removing stack from memory works too.)
Open the stack.

Result: resized.

This is not exactly a bug but somewhat annoying, would mean having to 
script every window in this situation. Rev 1.1.1 didn't have this 



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