2.0 rc1: print screens bug (the case of the missing checkmarks)

Alex Rice alrice at ARCplanning.com
Sat May 10 03:18:01 EDT 2003

This bug is verified on OS X and Win2K, Rev 1.1.1 and 2.0 rc1. In both 
the IDE and in standalone apps. I am hoping it's a problem with my 
code, but I don't think so. The problem is: when the screens are 
printed with the handler below, the checkbox are rendered without their 
"mark" and sometimes without their "box". The checkbox labels are 
correct. Radio buttons and other controls appear correct. Here is a 
recipe for the bug. Sorry I didn't have time to simplify the handler 
more. I wanted to make sure I asked about this while 2.0 is still being 

Thanks --Alex

-- printScreensDBug handler
-- 1) create stack with 2 cards
-- 2) put checkboxes on each card and "check" some of them
-- 3) put this handler in the stack
-- 4) do printScreensDBug in the message box
on printScreensDBug
   set the cursor to watch
   lock messages
   new invisible stack "PrintScreens"
   set the destroyStack of stack "PrintScreens" to true
   set the alwaysBuffer of stack "PrintScreens" to false
   set the width of stack "PrintScreens" to the width of this stack
   set the height of stack "PrintScreens" to the height of this stack
   repeat with tCardNumber = 1 to the number of cards in this stack
       copy card tCardNumber of this stack to stack "PrintScreens"
   end repeat
   delete card 1 of stack "PrintScreens"
   -- you might be wondering why the PrintScreens stack is needed.
   -- it's to allow the the formatForPrinting operation on Win32.
   -- I know it's a waste to do this on mac, but the customer is win32 
   if the platform = "Win32" then
     put "tmp.rev" into tFilename
     save stack "PrintScreens" as tFilename
     close stack "PrintScreens"
     set the formatForPrinting of stack tFilename to true
     go stack tFilename
   end if
   answer printer
   if the result = "Cancel" then
     exit printScreensDBug
   end if
   put item 1 of the printPaperSize into tImgWidth
   put item 2 of the printPaperSize into tImgHeight
   put item 1 of the printMargins into tLeftMargin
   put item 3 of the printMargins into tRightMargin
   put the width of this stack into tMyWidth
   put tImgWidth - tLeftMargin - tRightMargin into tImgWidth
   if tMyWidth > tImgWidth then
     put tImgWidth / tMyWidth into tScale
     set the printScale to tScale
   end if
   set the printCardBorders to "true"
   if the platform  = "MacOS" then
     open printing with dialog
     if the result = "Cancel" then
       exit printScreensDBug
     end if
     open printing
   end if
   print stack "PrintScreens"
   close printing
   close stack "PrintScreens"
   delete file tFilename
end printScreensDBug

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at ARCplanning.com
alrice at swcp.com

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