Count instances of replace with replace command

yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Mon May 5 02:23:05 EDT 2003

>is it possible to count the number instances handled when issuing
>replace "old" with "new" in someText
>the result returns empty.

try this before you replace :

function howmany what  -- what is your text
   repeat for each word w in what
     add 1 to wordCount[w]
   end repeat
   put keys(wordCount) into keyWords
   sort keyWords
   repeat for each line l in keyWords
     put l & tab & wordCount[l] & return after displayResult
   end repeat
   delete last char of displayResult
   return displayResult
end howmany

so you have a list of all the words with their occurences.

Hope this help


Email : yvescoppe at

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