Button vs. Message box scripts

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at runrev.com
Mon Mar 31 12:35:01 EST 2003

At 4:13 AM -0800 3/31/03, Jim Hurley wrote:
>Is it possible to probe the Transcript library routines to see how
>they work and, dare I say it, modify them? Suppose I wanted to alter
>revRotatePoly  (or use it as a base for a new routine) so that the
>center of rotation was a point of my choosing rather then the
>graphic's loc.

Sure, although I should mention that of course RunRev doesn't support
modified versions - if you should break it. ;-)

The custom script libraries are in Revolution backscripts. The
revRotatePoly command is in the Common library, so click the "Backscripts"
button in the message box, make sure the "Show Revolution UI back scripts"
box is checked, and open the revCommon script.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at runrev.com
Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought

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