Group Background Behavior

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Sat Mar 29 14:43:01 EST 2003

I can think of a couple ways to do this with Navigator. The easiest is 
probably this (not tested, you might have to play with it):

1. On the Stack menu, choose the source stack.
2. On the Card menu, choose Card List.
3. Hilite the cards you want to copy.
4. Go to the command panel and enter this code and click "Do":

copy tID to stack "targetStack" -- whatever stack you want
put it into tNewID
if there is a group "fu" of tNewID then
   delete group "fu" of tNewID
   place background "fu" onto tNewID
end if

Note that use of the command panel in Navigator requires a licensed 
version of Revolution. It uses the "do" command with a script that is 
longer than ten lines even if you don't enter any code at all. This 
might change in a future version of Revolution.

On Friday, March 28, 2003, at 01:49 PM, Alex Rice wrote:

> Here is something similar. Can rev navigator do this?
> I'm copying cards from one stack to another. If the destination stack 
> has background "fu" and the copied card has a group "fu" then I end up 
> with 2 fu backgrounds in the destination stack. Repeat several times 
> and now I have a whole mess of backgrounds, and have to pick through 
> the duplicate groups, delete them and place the 1 group I want on the 
> cards. I need a copy-card-and-merge-backgrounds tool.


Geoff Canyon
gcanyon at

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