Wrong folder
sarahr at genesearch.com.au
Wed Mar 19 21:47:00 EST 2003
What about adding a line to check if the folder exists and asking for
it to be selected if not:
if there is a folder "/Macintosh HD/Revolution 1.1.1 Classic/Doggies/"
set the defaultFolder to "/Macintosh HD/Revolution 1.1.1
answer folder "Please select the picture folder:"
set the defaultFolder to it
end if
This would also tell you if there was something wrong with your
original folder path.
>> Ken, try adding a trailing "/" to your path; Rev might be a bit
>> particular about that...
> ----------
> Nope. Didin't work. Here's the whole script:
> on mouseUp
> set the defaultFolder to "/Macintosh HD/Revolution 1.1.1
> Classic/Doggies/"
> answer file empty with filter "JPEGs,*.jpg"
> put url ("binfile:" & it) into img 1 of grp 1
> end mouseUp
> ...shows me the Desktop list. It looks fine to me, so I have no clue
> where
> to go from here.
> Ken N.
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