Menu manager/switch problem
Ken Ray
kray at
Wed Mar 12 21:38:01 EST 2003
Well said!
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-admin at
> [mailto:use-revolution-admin at] On Behalf Of
> Richard Gaskin
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 5:00 PM
> To: use-revolution at
> Subject: Re: Menu manager/switch problem
> Ken Norris wrote:
> >> You are thinking too Mac-centric. No other platform moves
> its About
> >> menu around like the Mac. Everywhere else, the About is under the
> >> Help menu. It is a convenience that Revolution
> transparently handles
> >> the various positions of the Macintosh About menu for you,
> since the
> >> position is different even between OS 9 and OS X. By placing the
> >> About item under the Help menu, your stack will display
> properly on
> >> any OS and you won't ever have to think about it.
> > ----------
> > It's just that there is nothing in the docs to tell us this is what
> > happens, so I wasn't expecting it. There's probably other
> stuff like
> > that, too. I'm looking for that list.
> I remember how hard it was for me to learn SuperCard when I
> came from a background in HyperCard, and years later how hard
> Ken, Christopher Watson, and myself worked to deliver one of
> the most comprehensive sets of docs for an authoring tool
> ever at the time, only to find how hard it was even after we
> delivered them for folks to readily find everything they
> needed. With complex systems like authoring tools,
> experience is the best teacher.
> Since I came into Rev from MetaCard years before, I'm less
> familiar with Rev's docs, but generally find them far better
> than MC's, and roughly on par with SuperCard's (there's a
> great many more tokens to document in Rev, so the Rev docs
> have generally more stuff overall).
> Knowing Jeanne's thoroughness (it was, after all, her
> HyperCard book that we used as the inspiration for form and
> breadth when we rewote SuperCard's docs), I took a look in
> the docs to see what I could find on this subject.
> Here's what I did:
> 1. In Rev's menu bar, I chose Help->Revolution Documentation
> 2. In the list on the front card of that stack, I chose
> "Menus", which brings up a list of topics on the right. In
> that list, assuming I had no experience with Rev, I simply
> chose the first item, "About...menus and the menu bar",
> thinking it might provide a good overview from which I could
> explore other details as needed.
> 3. In that section is a subsection titled "Menu Bars on Mac
> OS and OS X Systems", which describes the behavior in
> question, with more detail and more concisely than even the
> discussion here on this list.
> Ken and I once had the pleasure of working under the same
> manager, a man of impecible character and unusual insight. I
> found myself frustrated with learning Gain Momentum, since it
> was not only a larger and more complex xTalk than I'd known
> before (20 volumes of manuals stacked three feet high), but
> it also required me to learn Unix at the same time. It was a
> lot to bite off at once, and after coming from years of solid
> SuperCard mastery I was frustrated with finding myself nearly
> completely ignorant, starting at the very bottom of the
> learning curve all over again. I took my concerns to my
> manager, and here's what he told me:
> If you plant a seed today and pour ten thousand gallons of water
> on it, you still won't have a tree tommorrow.
> Some things simply take time and patience, and learning is
> definitely more of a process than an event. This is
> especially difficult when coming from another tool, and
> compounded when that tool rests in the relative comfort of a
> single operating system: For years you've grown into a
> comfortable mastery of the tool, and over time the "learning
> muscle" in some respects atrophies.
> Observing myself with both learning new tools and with
> physical therapy after a hiking accident last year, I know
> how hard it is to reverse atrophy. But as my physical
> therapist reminded me, "movement begets movement": every
> small effort made in a direction of growth has a compounded
> effect over time. Initially there are few measurable
> results, and such work begins as an act of faith and will.
> But over time, with the encouragement of others who've
> crossed that mountain before you, you have to trust that it's
> achievable. And after a while your results will provide all
> the encouragement you'll need, and may even serve to inspire
> others as they begin the same path.
> So please be patient with yourself, and try to be patient
> with the docs. They're not perfect, but frankly they are
> among the most comprehensive you'll find, even when compared
> to the big publishers like Adobe and Macromedia.
> In nearly evry case, I'll stake my reputation on the
> assertion that the topic is covered in Jeanne's docs. And
> for those few cases where a topic is not in a clear place or
> even more rare, not covered at all, a brief note to her will
> see it corrected as soon as possible, and a note to this list
> will put you on the right track immediately.
> --
> Richard Gaskin
> Fourth World Media Corporation
> Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
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