Saving data stacks

Scott Rossi scott at
Tue Mar 11 06:06:01 EST 2003

Recently, Sarah wrote:

> I normally build standalones with separate sub-stacks so my data can be
> saved in the stacks rather than having to mess around with separate
> files. The sub-stacks appear in a folder inside my application folder
> and being a Mac user, I just throw the whole thing into my Application
> folder and it works fine.
> From some recent posts, I gather that if I did the equivalent on a
> Windows system, there is a chance (depending on who is logged in) that
> the Applications (or equivalent) folder would be write-protected. That
> being so, I would rather store my sub-stacks in the Documents folder,
> but how will my standalone know where to find them?

I believe the specialFolderPath function will return the path to the
Documents folder on Windows.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
Email: scott at

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