mexican voices in OS X

erik hansen erikhans08 at
Sat Jun 28 15:52:31 EDT 2003

--- Manuel Companys <mcompanys at> wrote:

> The male and female mexican voices were
> probably those of californian 
> Apple employees.
> They pronounce the english words used in
> mexican spanish as no mexican 
> would be able to.
> For instance the words beginning with S +
> consonant (a mexican would 
> pronounce ES, not S).
> So it's likely to be US mexican rather than
> mexican spanish.

i know a lot of these guys.
they call it "Spanglish" not "Espanglish"

> Besides, the mexican spanish sounds a little
> special, not only to 
> european but also to other latin american
> spanish speakers.

using "mex" in all handler names in a
folklorico stack revealed, while searching,
that NO other string has "mex" in it.
google "mex" gave the same result.
Mexico es unico.


erik at

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