Rotating Images: the rot sets in...
Klaus Major
klaus at
Mon Jun 23 10:32:01 EDT 2003
Hi Richmond,
> I'm playing around with rotating images and am wondering
> about the phenomenon of "fuzzy edges".
> Let us just suppose I have a GIF image which I want to
> rotate in increments of 45 degs:
> all very simple: described in Help files & so forth.
> What is not explained is that the edges of the image (if it
> is plain colour) or the whole image (if it is a picture)
> will deteriorate markedly as it rotates. This effectively
> means that the 'rotate' term is not much use.
> If one has a family of images (in the case above I would
> need 8) that each represent the image rotated at certain
> increments one can keep replacing images (like a slide
> show) to give an impression of rotation. One could use an
> animated GIF.....or a Quicktime Movie....or....blah, blah,
> blah. Makes your stack much larger!
Please use the "angle" property of images.
Will produce a much more accurate look than "rotate".
"Rotate" is more designed for "painting" actions...
But please do always remember RR is not Photoshop, which means
it will do its best when rotating images, but... ;-)
> The problem with this is if one is using the rotating image
> as the template for the windowShape......
Will work with an "angled" image :-), BUT this has to have its topleft
at the topleft of the card. So it looks like this is necessary:
set the angle of img "sdsdsd" to 45
set the topleft of img "sdsdsd" to 0,0
## AFTER rotating and BEFORE setting the windowshape!
set the windowshape of this stack to ...
> The 'rotate' term is great, in theory; but how can one keep
> the image quality intact?
> Ideas gratefully received.
> Richmond Mathewson
Hope that helps...
Klaus Major
klaus at
I noticed an ugly black background when "angling" ;-) rectangular
Bug or feature? ;-)
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