revExample plugin

Alex Rice alrice at
Sat Jun 7 00:14:00 EDT 2003

I've been playing around with the revExample plugin. It's a good 
example stack. But there are some things I'm in the dark about.

1) How does one edit and save a plugin stack? If I make changes to the 
script in revExample, then close the stack, I get stuck in a loop that 
says "Do you want to save changes to stack revExample...". Sometimes 
revExample doesn't offer to be saved at all, or if I do command-S it 
prompts to a save a new filename. Unclear on the concept I guess

2) Where are the plugin API handlers, like revSelectedObjectChanged,  
documented? I've noticed that some of the handlers have parameters and 
some don't. It's hard to guess what some of the parameters are.

Many thanks,

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at
alrice at

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