Active X support

Wolfgang M. Bereuter wmb at
Mon Jun 2 12:11:02 EDT 2003

On Monday, Jun 2, 2003, at 00:46 Europe/Vienna, Edwin Gore wrote:

> I think people have some widely divergent ideas about what constitutes 
> a cross platform development environment.
> To my mind it should be a case of the anything that you do using just 
> RunRev runs anywhere, but at the same time it should actually support 
> the platform specific features of different operating systems. That 
> way the developer can make informed decisions about how they want to 
> handle cross platform issues when RunRev doesn't natively support 
> something.

Agree with that, but
> Adding support for Applescript, XCMDs, ActiveX and whatever the 
> OS-X/unix equivelents might be doesn't reduce the cross-platform 
> capabiilities of RunRev, it increases it. Those are all important 
> parts of the individual platforms, and if you don't consider support 
> for them, it makes the development system too limited to appeal to 
> developers across the board. If you only support the lowest common 
> denominator of what can be supported on ALL platforms, you end up with 
> what is a very limited subset of the power of each individual 
> operating system.
> ActiveX is a big part of the Windows architecture these days. There 
> are thousands of controls out there already, and it would be great to 
> get access to them.
if you think this to the end, than the engine must support all this 
thousands of controls out there... Does this mean we well get 2.5 or 
3.0 in 4 years at least, or does it mean a tool in permanent beta..? 
Thats why I think it cant support any platform specific features, 
because the MC engine runs not only on Mac, WIN and Linux and his 
versions, there are about 10-12 other flavours of other OSes too...
So I its imho better to support the standards, instead of any platform 
specific features on all platforms...

My 2 cent

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

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INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
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