Inexcusable? (Was Re: Rev 2.0.2 is availalble)

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Jul 30 12:46:01 EDT 2003

Dan Shafer wrote:

> On Wednesday, July 30, 2003, at 06:40 AM, Donald Watson wrote:
>> IMO, posting information about the "new license" categories for new
>> users prior to informing current customers of their change in status
>> and pricing is inexcusable.
> Might I suggest this wording was a bit of an over-reaction? Doing what
> Revoultion did was unwise and perhaps even thoughtless, but
> inexcusable? I hope I never fall under a judgment this harsh and
> unforgiving. I'm sure I've done a dozen things this morning that were
> closer to inexcusable than this oversight.

I would go just a step further: I would call it merely suboptimal.  ;)

Given the many details no doubt involved in the MetaCard acquisition and the
MacWorld trip right on its heels, these sorts of suboptimal things seem
understandable.  Since the focus of any conference is getting new customers,
it seems reasonable that would be their priority at the time.

To RunRev's credit they did post a note here before MacWorld requesting
patience and letting us know they'd resolve upgrade questions when they got

In practical terms, the only people even potentially affected materially was
the small subset of licensees whos expiration date fell between the 2.0.2
announcement and now, a span of two weeks out of 52.

Patience, Grasshopper....

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Ambassador at
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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